Monday, 23 November 2020

The Doubles Book by Hautanoa, Inigo, James.




Today I was learning how to write a book. I learned how to make book. I enjoyed putting the doubles into the slides. Next time I would change I would make my book on animals. 




Monday, 21 September 2020

Monday, 24 August 2020

Good friend potion

 Today I was learning how to  Good friend potion.

I learned that to be a friend you have to Be kind.

I enjoyed my background.

I found it challenging to typing.

Next time I would change friendship potion.`

Friday, 26 June 2020

sugar crystals.

Today I was learning how to Make sugar crystals.

I enjoyed Make my slides. 

I found it challenging to Making sugar crystals.

Next time I would change the colour of my sugar crystals to blue.

Monday, 25 May 2020


Today I was learning To Do my profile.

I enjoyed Doing  my photo.

I found it challenging to do my typing.

My digital learning object shows I can replace images, use the camera app, change text and backgrounds and embed my DLO in my blog.

Next time I would change profile.

Thursday, 21 May 2020


.Today I was Doing my reflections.

I enjoyed Doing the typing.

I found it challenging to think of all my reflections.
Next time I would change My reflections.

Monday, 18 May 2020


Today I was learning to use shapes.

I enjoyed doing my mebale

I found it challenging to make the ribbon.

My digital learning object shows I can do my shapes.

Next time I would change My ribbon.

Monday, 24 February 2020

New Year

it is fun doing math at Ormond school.
I like doing the Fitness.I like running at Ormond school.
I like playing rugby at Ormond school.
I am looking forward to going camping this year.I am looking forward to doing athletics.